“Wat Mahathat Wachiramongkol” celebrates His Majesty the King’s 72nd birthday under the royal patronage of His Majesty King Rama X.”
On the occasion of His Majesty the King’s 6th birthday or 72nd birthday on 28 July 2024, the Thai government is carrying out celebrations in honor of His Majesty the King throughout the country, specifying the duration and scope of the celebration events. Between 1 January 2024 and 31 December 2024 in order to show loyalty and gratitude to His Majesty the King.
Tourism Authority of Thailand southern region Join in celebrating His Majesty the King. Ready to remember His Majesty’s grace When he still held the title of Crown Prince crown prince He received royal permission. Build Phra Mahathat Chedi Celebrating His Majesty the King’s 50th birthday at Wat Mahathat Wachiramongkol Krabi Province Today it is an important precursor. Center for the mental anchor of Thai people
Wat Mahathat Wachiramongkol The royal monastery belongs to the Maha Nikaya group of monks. Located in Na Nuea Subdistrict, Ao Luek District, Krabi Province, on an area of 111 rai, the original name was Bang Thong Temple, built around 1940. In 2002, the current abbot Phra Rajawachirakorn (Phisan Purinthago) considered that The temple is in a dilapidated condition. Therefore, the Senasana building was demolished. Then proceed with the construction of the Prapariyatdhamma school building, Dhamma-Pali department. Raise the level of Wat Bang Thong It is a place to study Dhamma and Pali. of monks and novices
Ready to propose to the Sangha Sangha committee Request to build a Buddhist shrine and Phra Mahathat Chedi in honor of His Majesty Maha Vajiralongkorn’s 50th birthday. To honor His Majesty the King who at that time held the royal title Crown Prince Prince Maha Vajiralongkorn crown prince Phra Mahathat Chedi has a height of approximately 95 meters and is the tallest pagoda in the southern region. Decorated similarly to the Great Buddha Gaya Pagoda. Place of Lord Buddha’s enlightenment India
Inside Phra Mahathat Chedi The main Buddha image is enshrined. There are murals telling stories about the life of Buddha. and decorated with Kranok patterns Delicate Thai pattern Surrounding the temple there are also A large statue of Luang Pu Thuat. with a lap width of 9 meters 9 inches. The Buddha image in the posture of giving his first sermon has a lap width of 3 meters. The ordination hall houses a large Buddha image. Inside there are paintings of the Buddha’s life.
On January 11, 2005, His Majesty the King His Majesty graciously graciously Give to Her Majesty the King Princess Sirivannavari Nariratana Rajakanya who at that time held the royal title Her Royal Highness Her Royal Highness Princess Sirivannavari Nariratana On his behalf, His Majesty laid the foundation stone for Phra Mahathat Chedi. and poured gold for the Buddha statue of His Majesty the King in the said project.
Then on November 16, 2006, His Majesty the King His Majesty gave the new name of Bang Thong Temple to “Wat Mahathat Wachiramongkol” and had the royal abbreviation “M.W.K.” installed on the gable of the chapel. While the statue of Buddha on his birthday Use the name “Phra Buddha Thaksin Chai Mongkol”
Until the beginning of 2024, the Thai government established the project “Dhammayatra Phra Boromma Relics” Great river Ganga of the Mekong Basin Stepping into the Century of Dhamma” Ceremony to Invite the Relics and Arahants of Phra Sariputta and Phra Moggallana from the republic of india Honoring His Majesty the King On the occasion of the auspicious occasion of His Majesty the King’s 6th Cycle Birthday Anniversary, 28 July 2024.
Dhammayatra Relics Project from the Great Ganga River to the Mekong River Basin Promote religious institutions, the power of faith from all over, with both Thai and foreign religious people. Travel to Thailand to pay homage to the relics of the Lord Buddha and the relics of the Arahants. crowded together The relics of the Lord Buddha were brought. and the Arahant’s relics For people to pay homage in 4 regions: the central region at Sanam Luang ceremony area, the northern region at Royal Park Rajapruek. Chiang Mai Province, Northeastern Region, Mahawanaram Temple, Ubon Ratchathani Province and Southern Region, Mahathat Wachiramongkol Temple. Krabi Province before handing over the relics of the Buddha and the Arahant to the Indian government
The latest ordination project Honoring His Majesty the King On the occasion of the auspicious ceremony of His Majesty the King’s 6th Cycle Birthday Anniversary, 28 July 2024, throughout the country, Krabi Province. Together with Wat Mahathat Wachiramongkol Create a project for ordination in honor of His Majesty the King. Donate as a royal merit Carry out the project Between 11 July – 3 August 2024 (24 days) at Wat Mahathat Wachiramongkol, Na Nuea Subdistrict, Ao Luek District, Krabi Province.
Tourism Authority of Thailand southern region Invite Buddhists Participated in showing loyalty and offering merit to the King Through Buddhist activities at Wat Mahathat Wachiramongkol Starting from Saturday, July 6, 2024, Reverend Father Phra Thep Vajirakorn Abbot of Wat Mahathat Wachiramongkol Offering Buddhist Lent candles to 9 temples for monks and novices Has been used in Buddhist ceremonies.
For the 9 temples that offer Buddhist Lent candles, including Wat Rat Upatham. and Wat Sattharam Phang Nga Province, Wat Na Nuea, Wat Khao Tor, Wat Ban Na, Wat Bang Ngern, Wat Bang Hian, Wat Tham Sai Chon and Wat Pak Nam, Krabi Province. For more information, please call 083-5240855 Phrakhru Palad Yanphon Yanpanyo.
Ordination project Celebrating His Majesty on 11 July, taking the Naga (150 people) into the temple, 13 July shaving the Naga’s hair, 14 July ordination ceremony, 15 July giving alms to animals, 18-21 July Vipassana meditation, 20 July. Candle procession on Asahna Bucha Day, on July 21, 150 monks and novices collect alms on the occasion of Buddhist Lent, and on July 28, chant Buddhist prayers in honor of His Majesty the King. On the occasion of the auspicious occasion of His Majesty the King’s 6th Cycle Birthday Anniversary, 28 July 2024.
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